The Power of Gratitude for Kids How to teach thankfulness

6 Quick Tips to Teach the Power of Gratitude

Teach the Power of Gratitude

The holiday season is a time for family, friends, and reflection. It’s also a great opportunity to teach kids the power of gratitude.

Teaching the power of gratitude and thankfulness to kids

Why is Gratitude so Powerful? 

Gratitude activities for kids are a great way to teach them how to recognize and appreciate the good things in their lives.  Gratitude is one of the most important virtues we can teach our children. It helps us appreciate what we have, even when things are tough. In this blog post, we will discuss ways to help kids learn about gratitude and how to be thankful for what they have. We will also provide some helpful tips and activities for parents and teachers!

What is Gratitude?

Grat●i●tude – Noun

The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness.  Thankfulness, appreciation.

Let’s have an attitude of gratitude!

How to Help Kids Practice the Power of Gratitude

One of the best ways to teach kids the power of gratitude is to lead by example. Talk about things you are grateful for in your own life. Expressing gratitude is contagious, so your kids will likely start doing the same. You can also encourage them to keep a gratitude journal. Each day, have them write down something they are thankful for. This can be anything from a simple pleasure like a sunny day, to something more significant like a new friend or pet. Helping kids identify the things they are grateful for is a great way to foster an attitude of gratitude.

One of my favorite family activities, when my kids were younger, was to write something we were thankful for on a slip of paper and put in in a turkey basket.  After dinner, we took turns reading them.  Many times, they were funny stories or memories that made us laugh.  We included the little things and the big events.  One of my favorites was spell check!  It helps all of us to see that there were many things we could be thankful for.

Another way to teach kids about gratitude is through service projects. Volunteering with your family at a local soup kitchen or food bank is a great way to show kids how fortunate they are. They will see firsthand how many people are less fortunate than they are, and they will learn the value of giving back. There are many other ways to get involved in your community. You can volunteer at a local animal shelter, visit a nursing home, or collect donations for a toy drive. Teaching kids the importance of helping others is a great way to instill gratitude in their hearts.

Make gratitude cards: Have your kids make gratitude cards for people in their lives they’d like to thank. Whether it’s a teacher, neighbor, or family member—your kids will have fun personalizing each card.

Create gratitude journals: Encourage your kids to start gratitude journals—or gratitude jars—where they can write down everything they’re thankful for. Have them create a gratitude list daily and watch as their gratitude grows over time!

Play gratitude games: Create your own gratitude-themed game or find one online. This is a great way to have fun and learn about gratitude at

Finally, you can help kids learn about gratitude by teaching them how to say “thank you.” Encourage them to say thank you when someone does something nice for them. Help them write thank-you notes after receiving gifts. And make sure to model gratitude yourself! Thanking the cashier, holding the door open for someone, or sending a thank-you note to a friend are all great ways to show gratitude.

Thankfulness Activities


Disguise a Turkey Thankfulness activity for kids

Books to Check Out

Taylor the Thankful Turkey

A Little Thanksgiving SPOT

Gratitude is My Superpower

The 3 Minute Gratitude Journal for Kids

Teaching kids the power of gratitude is important, but it’s also important to let them experience gratitude themselves. So make sure to give them plenty of opportunities to say thanks!

No matter how you decide to help your kids practice gratitude, the important thing is that they’re connecting with the feeling and understanding of what gratitude means. So don’t be afraid to get creative and try something new! With these gratitude activities for kids, your family will become more connected, content—and thankful!

Have fun and be thankful! 🤗



Do you have any tips for teaching kids about gratitude? We’d love to hear them! Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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