How to Turn Any Lesson into an Exciting Learning GamePlaying games in the classroom can have a dramatic effect on learning. Have you ever been trying to teach a difficult concept and your students are zoning out? We’ve all been there. How can you engage them fast when you have nothing else in your lesson plan? That’s easy, turn it into a game. Learning games that are fun are motivating, engaging, and they can make
Using Learning Games that are Fun is The Best Way to Teach EverythingDo you love playing games? I do, and most of my students do too. Learning with games that are fun engages students. Just the other day one of my students asked if we could play games for the whole session. Do you know what? I thought it was a great idea. Educational games for kids are a must for active learning. What is
You’ll Be Amazed at The Reasons Teachers Love Boom Cards.Digital Boom Task Cards™ are dynamite. Pardon the pun, but they really are explosive digital learning activities. At first, I was I little skeptical of more “computer time,” but once I started using and creating them, I fell in love. I have mentioned that I love using games to teach because they work exceptionally well for struggling students and dyslexics. Plus, they are motivating and fun. Boom Cards